Specializing in Phase I and II
Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
in the State of Idaho
Soil Sampling & Water Monitoring
Soil sampling and groundwater monitoring is conducted for many reasons and serve a multitude of purpose. The advent of Brownfield’s programs as part of community redevelopment projects encourage the reuse of environmentally impaired properties has focused attention on risk-based environmental appraisals. Quality data resulting from a comprehensive testing is particularly important when considering the due diligence associated with potential property investment. Soil exploration is essential to determine these characteristics prior to foundation design.​
It is essential that an assessment of subsurface conditions be completed prior to any on-site work. At CAS & Associates, LLC investigator's will evaluate the recognized environmental conditions in order to provide sufficient in information regarding the nature and extent of the contamination. This knowledge will assist in making informed business decisions about the property.

Subsurface testing can be conducted to discover:
If the soil and groundwater contain any contaminates,
The distribution of the contaminants over a given site and the associated concentrations areas, And
If the contaminant levels exceed the threshold amount for a given proposed development project.
In order to determine the presence or absence of environmental contamination, we are trained in various aspects of all subsurface exploration, including:​
Classifying and describing soils
Conceptualizing subsurface and contaminant conditions to adequately focus subsurface investigations
Designing and installing groundwater monitoring wells
Sampling and monitoring groundwater
Selecting and using drilling and soil sampling techniques,
Soil gas monitoring
CAS & Associates, LLC utilizes one of the most versatile and efficient subsurface sampling systems available today. The direct-push system can obtain soil samples for site profiling and/or contaminant identification with minimal disruption to the site.
A CAS subsurface investigation will identify possible contaminants, and based on the results of our investigation, we will work with you in developing a plan that limits liability and costs associated with the development and management of the site.